• Preaching
    Preach twice a Sunday and on National Day of Prayer, Ascension Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and on any other occasions set by the church Council.
  • Catechism
    Teach the High School class once a week from late September through April.
  • Committees
    Chair the worship team, which normally meets once a month. The pastor will also need to be available to meet with other standing and ad hoc committees as requested.
  • Visitation
    Call on hospitalized members at least once a week and calls on shut-ins once every 6 to 8 weeks. The pastor also conducts other visits as need arises or when requested.
  • Counseling
    Provide pastoral counseling and pre-marital counseling as needed. 
  • Membership Class
    Lead the pre-membership class as needed.
  • Council
    Attend the monthly meetings and fulfill duties assigned by Council.
  • Elders
    Attend the monthly meetings and fulfill duties assigned by the Elders.
  • Special Services
    Conduct funerals and weddings of church members as requested.
  • Sacraments
    Administer the Lord’s Supper as scheduled and baptism when requested.
  • Classis
    Attend meetings of Classis and other duties as assigned through Classis.


Go to our About Our Area page to learn more about the area!

CHurch Ministries:

Go to our Ministries page to learn more about the ministries we are involved in here at East!


To be considered in our search process, please email your ministry background information to